Description of IM category - what it is and what kind of courses will fall under this category

This is an introductory course to data quality management. It is designed to give participants the foundation of data quality management. At the end of this module participants will be acquainted with the basic knowledge of data quality and data management and how to utilize data for decision making.

PBI Course ThumbnailThis is an introductory course to data visualization using Microsoft Power BI application. It is designed to give participants the foundation of data visualization. At the end of this module participants will be acquainted with the basic knowledge of data visualization an how to turn data into visuals for decision making.

Introduction to Humanitarian Needs Assessment:

Welcome to our course on Humanitarian Needs Assessment! In this session, we'll delve into the essential principles and practices of assessing needs in crisis situations. By the end of this course, students will learn about you'll be exposed to assessment terminologies, needs assessment coordination, establishing context baseline, principles secondary data and sources of the data.

This is the introductory course for Python for Beginners.  Please start here if you have no experience coding in Python.  This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit.

This course is designed to give participants the foundation of information management in humanitarian response. At the end of this module participants will be acquainted with:

  1. Humanitarian Principles
  2. Introduction to Humanitarian Information Management
  3. The Information Management Process
  4. Humanitarian Information Management Principles